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St. John's Riverside Hospital Explains The Healing Powers Of Turmeric

Turmeric is a ginger-colored spice that’s been a part of Middle Eastern and East Asian cooking for centuries. The warm and flavorful bitter taste is frequently used in curry dishes. Turmeric however is also widely known for its health benefits and has garnered the attention of nutritionists and physicians worldwide. Curcumin, turmeric’s most active and healing compound, is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory which has can aid in combating osteoarthritis, heart disease and digestive issues.

Turmeric is proven to treat arthritis as it helps reduce joint inflammation according to a recent study. A study by the Nirmala Medical Center provided evidence that curcumin is as effective as anti-inflammatory drugs at reducing swelling and tenderness of joints in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Another amazing fact about turmeric is that it can be used to treat wounds, cuts and rashes. Life Sciences concluded that topical application of curcumin has a great therapeutic effect on skin wounds and also that it accelerates wound healing. Add to this its heart health benefits and improved digestion, and you can be on your way to better health with just a spoonful of turmeric a day.

What is the best way to incorporate this super spice into your diet? Simply sprinkle it on your favorite foods along with a little black pepper to aid with absorption. You can reap these health benefits with a teaspoon of turmeric on salads, soups and dressings. You can even rub it on your favorite steak before grilling.

Turmeric owns the reputation of a powerful anti-inflammatory that can reduce arterial plaque buildup, accelerate wound healing and relieve joint pain. That’s a good reason to spice things up a little when cooking at home! As always, check with your St. John’s Riverside physician before making any changes to your diet and health plan.